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Grog d'Or 2015

This year again, a roleplaying game was awarded the most covetted prize from outer space : the Grog d'Or. Every month, the Grog offered a game of the month, elected amongst other topical roleplaying games. To celebrate its 15th birthday, the whole crew voted to award one of these games the Grog d'Or for the best rpg in 2015.

Nominees were:

and here are the results:

D&D5 - Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition

received the Grog d'Or 2015

Within got 2nd place and received the Grog d'Argent.

(Dessin de David Lihard)

Thought of El Presidente on this election

Let it be said that Cthulhu isn't the only Old One whose cult runs rampant on the GROG gangways. Not having been Game of the Month for the past year, he could't run for the prestigious GROG d'Or award. The contest, in a classic conflict of the old and the modern, opposed on second round D&D5 and Within. Between the French contemporary horror game, with an innovative system and no tentacles, and the new version of the iconic RPG, fighting was hot, but ultimately, D&D5 or D&D Next, won.

The crew, in choosing the 2015 GROG d'Or, welcomed the return of the Inevitable, but also its renewal. After a 3rd edition which launched the D20 wave, before sinking under the weight of supplements and extensions, then a 4th edition which divided the fans community with its radical choices, the time had come dor Dungeons & Dragons to resume its pre-eminence. And the result is striking : on Amazon US, in the "gaming" section, D&D books hold 6 of the top seven places !

Beyond the publishing success, the real qualities of this new version prompted the sailors to name it Game of the Month. While not repeating the notice of this nomination, let's say that this game certainly deserves a French edition.

May those GROG d'Or awards, gold for D&D5 and silver for Within, be for each just the first step in their march to success, this is all the GROG crew might wish for them.